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    Lost a fish today!

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    1frown Lost a fish today! Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:13 am



    I saw the fish in the pond a couple of days a go. It was on its side so I transferred it to a tub for treatment.

    Was all alive, barely, and went out to pet shop to buy some specific medicine. Came back just an hour a go and it was dead. http://images.digita

    I did everything I could for it, even resulting in CPR but it was too late.

    It's very annoying but I suppose it's just one of those things that happens.

    In case it happens again, I now have medicine and am going to buy an air pump for emergencies.

    Just feel somewhat empty but I did all I could. [url=

    As you can see from the picture it has a chunk missing out of its body. When I got back from the pet store it was in a bad way, dead exact, with its eyes clotted with blood.


    2frown Re: Lost a fish today! Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:41 am



    Sorry to hear that Thomas - but unfortunately, if you keep fish, this kind of thing does happen from time to time.

    I used to have 4 large tropical tanks on the go some years ago, and you do eventually get used to losing fish now and again.
    Have to admit though - when my 14yo Plecostamus 'Satch' died, I was gutted.

    Tip - don't name them - makes it worse when they die.

    3frown Re: Lost a fish today! Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:21 am


    You did CPR on a fish

    Lost a fish today! Britney-laugh-radio-gic7ev

    4frown Re: Lost a fish today! Sat Oct 22, 2011 12:02 pm



    Awww http://images.digita

    I have so many memories of fish. I remember once mine was like floating on its side for like 2 days or something. Then it ;ike came back alive and it was all good for ages http://www.thisisbig

    It died like a month later though http://images.digita

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